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"Lowering College Education Costs for Everyone"
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About Avatar Virtual Learning

The mission of Avatar Virtual Learning is to provide an alternative to the high cost of higher education. The site delivers college subjects in a traditional university online manner to meet the needs of a diverse and financial dependent student population.

Avatar seeks to consistently achieve the following purposes:
  • To offer core degree course material in an online college type format free to any and all students.
  • To offer practitioner-oriented education that focuses on the concepts and skills required for success as a student.
  •  To provide test out driven curricula developed, tested, and continually improved by volunteer faculty and administrators through regular outcomes assessment and external consultation with other educators.
  •  To continually examine the evolving needs of students and future students for higher education programs as a basis for development of additional programs.
  • To promote student excellence through comprehensive teaching and development opportunities.
  • To provide an interactive and collaborative educational environment that strengthens learning, provides opportunities, and contributes to lifelong educational and professional growth.
  •  To provide student services that contribute to personal development, and education potential.
  •  To serve student needs by offering effective higher education prepareness and test out services.