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College Level Exam Program (CLEP)
Advanced Placement Program (AP)
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests
Excelsior College Examination Program (UExcel)
New York University Foreign Language Proficiency Testing

Practice, Practice, Practice
Avatar Virtual Learning integrates practice exams into the regular study curriculum for each course, for both training and diagnostic purposes. Completing these practice exams gives you the opportunity to monitor your progress and focus your study on problem areas. However, what most study curriculums (including ours) don’t do is let you experience the mental and physical pressures of test day as well as to provide an outside resource to validate your preparedness.

This is why we strongly recommend that students purchase the most recent practice tests from the official web site for your exam and take them in as similar an environment as possible. These tests from the official sites are a current and very accurate representation of what will be covered and will incorporate the most recent changes that will be on the actual test. To the left are links to some of the official test-out websites where you can purchase the practice exams as well as review them. We also would suggest that these exams be taken in a similar manner to what will be done at the official testing center. You can review what is allowed and not allowed during the exam and recreate the environment to better prepare. Practice

You can work so hard to study large quantities of information for an exam, but if you don’t prepare yourself mentally and physically for the exam, all that hard work can sadly go to waste. Here are a few suggestions to help prepare:
  • Get a good night’s sleep - You can’t afford to stay awake all night studying for an exam because you just won’t be effective on the day of the exam. Make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep.
  • Focus on what you do know - Chances are there will always be areas that you could have studied more thoroughly. Worrying about what you don’t know will interfere in answering correctly in the areas you know.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast - Studies have found that students who skip breakfast experience a 20-40% reduction in thinking skills concentration, memory and alertness (things very important for good exam scores).
  • Take a few deep breaths when you get stuck - If you come across a question you’re not sure how to answer, stop for a moment and take a few deep breathes. This will lower stress and increase oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Watch your time and allocate it – Remember that there is a fixed amount of time to complete the exam. Don’t waste it on questions you can’t answer and not be able to get to the ones you can.