Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve compiled a list of the questions we get asked the most often. Hopefully any answers you need will be listed here. To jump to the section you’re most interested in, simply click on one of the links on the left. When you’re considering attending college and finding ways to cut down expense using a test-out approach like Avatar Virtual Learning can be challenging decision. Reading through these FAQs might help you decide if this
approach is right for you.
While most accredited colleges and universities do accept testing out of many of their courses it is "not" a common approach. However, this is an effective method for individuals who wish to get their college degree in the shortest time possible and at a cost effective manner. Considering the increasing cost of credits per hour awarded in colleges, testing out is an important option in such economic times. A test-out approach is designed to reduce the routine college experience from the usual four years to two and in some unique cases even one year. |
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