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Role of Marketing in Society
Role of Marketing in a Firm
Target Marketing
Marketing Mix

BUS-005 – Principles of Marketing

About the Course
The Principles of Marketing examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in marketing. Such a course is usually known as Basic Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing or Marketing Principles. The exam is concerned with the role of marketing in society and within a firm, understanding consumer and organizational markets, marketing strategy planning, the marketing mix, marketing institutions, and other selected topics, such as international marketing, ethics, marketing research, services and not-for-profit marketing. You're expected to have a basic knowledge of the economic/demographic, social/cultural, political/legal and technological trends that are important to marketing.

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Flash Cards Quiz Forums Crib Sheet
Flash Cards Practice Exam Course Forums Crib Sheet

Credit by Exam Program
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Exam Bank Questions = 217
FlashCard Phrases = 222
Media Web Links = 0

Recommended Prerequisits

Section 1 - Role of Marketing in Society
Section 2 - Role of Marketing in a Firm
Section 3 - Target Marketing
Section 4 - Marketing Mix

Available Resources
Note - These are open web resources identified and provided by students and for the students.  The students rate them from most useful to least useful. They are not created, published, managed or copyrighted by Avatar Virtual Learning and we do not take responsibility for them or guarentee their availability.  Students are advised to follow safe web actions when using any of these resources.

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