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Institutions and Policy Processes: Presidency, Bureaucracy, and Congress
Federal Courts, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Political Beliefs and Behavior
Constitutional Underpinnings of American Democracy

American Government
 Federal Courts, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights

Structure and processes of the judicial system with emphasis on the role and influence of the Supreme Court. The development of civil rights and civil liberties by judicial interpretation. The Bill of Rights and incorporation of the Bill of Rights. Equal protection and due process.

Getting Started
We recommend you first take a practice quiz on this section to identify areas to focus your study on.  The available resources listed below can then be more effectively used to review and expand you knowledge in those specific areas you need.
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Available Resources
Note - These are open web resources identified and provided by students and for the students.  The students rate them from most useful to least useful. They are not created, published, managed or copyrighted by Avatar Virtual Learning and we do not take responsibility for them or guarentee their availability.  Students are advised to follow safe web actions when using any of these resources.

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