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Financial Accounting (BUS-001)
The Financial Accounting examination covers skills and concepts that are generally taught in a first-semester undergraduate financial accounting course. Questions on the exam require you to demonstrate knowledge of accounting concepts and terminology, and ability to use and analyze accounting data and financial reports issued for both internal and external purposes. In addition, you need to demonstrate the ability to apply accounting techniques to simple problem situations involving computations, and understand the rationale for generally-accepted principles and procedures.
Current status of course:
In Development

Information Systems (BUS-002)
The Information Systems examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory college-level business information systems course. Questions test knowledge, terminology and basic concepts about information systems as well as the application of that knowledge. The examination does not emphasize the details of hardware design and language-specific programming techniques. References to applications such as word processing or spreadsheets do not require knowledge of a specific product. The focus is on concepts and techniques applicable to a variety of products and environments. Knowledge of arithmetic and mathematics equivalent to that of a student who has successfully completed a traditional first-year high school algebra course is assumed.
Current status of course:
In Development

Introductory Business Law (BUS-003)
The Introductory Business Law examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory one-semester college course in the subject. The examination places not only major emphasis on understanding the functions of contracts in American business law, but it also includes questions on the history and sources of American law, legal systems and procedures, agency and employment, sales and other topics.
Current status of course:
In Development

Principles of Management (BUS-004)
The Principles of Management examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory course in the essentials of management and organization. Questions on the exam require you to demonstrate knowledge of management functions and techniques, and ability to associate the meaning of specific terminology with important management ideas, processes and techniques. You will also be required to apply knowledge, general concepts and principles to specific problems.
Current status of course:
In Development

Principles of Marketing (BUS-005)
The Principles of Marketing examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in marketing. Such a course is usually known as Basic Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing or Marketing Principles. The exam is concerned with the role of marketing in society and within a firm, understanding consumer and organizational markets, marketing strategy planning, the marketing mix, marketing institutions, and other selected topics, such as international marketing, ethics, marketing research, services and not-for-profit marketing. You're expected to have a basic knowledge of the economic/demographic, social/cultural, political/legal and technological trends that are important to marketing.
Current status of course:
In Development