The sponsorship funds are spent to directly improve the code base of the project,
develop course material (lectures, assignments & media material) and to fund work
on peripheral project tasks so that core contributors can focus efforts on Avatar improvements.
As an example, we would like to fund the following project activities in the coming year:
- Add 18 more course shells to complete the CLEP part of the college program.
- Start work on the Advance Placement module of the project. This will help high school students to better take advantage of the AP programs at their school.
- Fund developers to work on adding and improving specific aspects of Avatar site including the practice testing, advising and student threaded discussions.
- The creation of new and improved subject media, including course materials and education tutorials for the existing shells.
- Start a promotional campaign to get the word out to potential students and their parents that there is a better approach to college credit then getting deep in debt with student loans.
A quick note about our sponsorship funds to those thinking of contributing. Initially (to keep it simple) we’re using a private PayPal account registered by Avatar Virtual Learning LLC. This precludes our providing a tax write-off to our supporters. However, in case the amount of donations increase to a supportable (significant) amount the LLC will be switched to a traditional non-profit organization that supports a tax write-off status.